While managing all matters related to the project on behalf of the client, InterCon Building Corporation maintains the lines of communication between all of those involved with the project and ensures that our scheduling is maintained. By doing so, we can control both costs and quality of the project.
The Project Manager, Operations Officer and Controller review job progress monthly by comparing the original budget versus purchase orders, subcontracts and estimates to complete. These controls allow us to identify problems and issues that need resolution within the next month. Scope changes are handled by change order and are based upon estimated cost of the change by the Project Manager.
Before Substantial Completion, InterCon prepares and distributes to all subcontractors a preliminary punch list. The jobsite Superintendent and Project Manager monitor and manage this list for progress. This minimizes the quantity of items on the punch list generated by the Architect/Owners during the Substantial Completion walk through.
Upon Substantial Completion, the Project Manager will assemble closeout documents including manufacturers and subcontractor warranties and operations manuals, subcontractor lien waivers, as-built drawings, etc., and deliver them to the Owner within the terms specified in the contract.